Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Traits of an Only Child

Throughout my childhood I had never considered myself as an only child, but once I read this research it made me realize that I’m actually similar to an only child. I had lived with my sister my whole life, so I thought the research must have been wrong when I was put under the category of only child. The way an only child is described suits me well in some aspects, but not so much in others. The types of careers that only children are most likely to go into fits into my career preferences. This research showed me ways I am like an only child and ways I am not.
The traits that correspond to me that only children have are being a procrastinator and being scholarly. I am a huge procrastinator and I hate the fact that I am one. Last year when I was in Mrs.Davis’s class we were assigned a book report project months in advance and I ended up doing the whole thing the night before it was due. I still tried really hard on it, because I want a good grade. I tend to be scholarly,for the most part, when it comes to school. I always put my all into most of my work, because I really want to get good grades in all of my classes. I find it ironic that I’m a procrastinator and a scholar when it comes to school. It’s so contradicting that I wonder how I manage to do it.
In the research, there were also some traits that only children had that did not go with me at all. Those traits were being self-centered and being well organized. I don’t think of only myself most of the time and I hope others don’t think I am. I like to help others when they’re in need. When my sister became pregnant with her third child I didn't want her to stress with getting new stuff for the baby, because she was her first girl. She couldn't really reuse that much because her first two children were boys. I bought her a new stroller and pitched in for some other stuff aswell. When it comes to organizing, I am very bad. If my mom weren't here to remind me to pick things up and to clean things my room would look like a miniature jungle. Any organization that I had started at the beginning of school disappears later on. Eventually, I just put papers into my backpack instead of sorting them in my binders.
The careers that only children usually go into suits me very well. The fields that only children go into include science, engineering, medicine, computer science, etc. I one day hope to make it to college so I can major in computer science. I’m also interested in engineering and science. Since I was a child I was fascinated by computers. I was bought one when I was about six years old. I always pondered on how they functioned on the inside. I want to build my own computer once I’m older and have the money for some really good parts. A lot of people out there know how and there is a ton of resources I can use, but I want to explore and discover how to build one by myself. When I look at a piece of technology or machinery I start to wonder how they work. I’m the type of person that likes to wonder how stuff works when I’m not sure how they work.
The research that was conducted for Birth Order was accurate for the most part, but didn't get everything right. I expect them not to get everything 100% on their research since there are a lot of only children in the world and everyone has different personalities and interests. I've always had a sister with me, but this research made me consider the fact that I am similar to an only child. The traits like procrastinating and being scholarly was dead on, but the traits about being self-centered and well organized was completely off. I found this research pretty interesting and it shed some light about what type of child I’m most similar to.

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