Thursday, October 30, 2014

"Eating Animals" Reaction

    When I read the excerpt “A Case For Eating Dogs” I saw a lot of reason in what Jonathan wrote about eating dogs. He showed how it would be more efficient and better to eat dogs than the animals we eat regularly. I personally agreed with his ideas about eating dogs. Even though, I myself have had dogs I loved throughout my childhood, it still makes sense to use dogs as being a source of food. As Jonathan stated, “This amounts to millions of pounds of meat now being thrown away every year. The simple disposal of these euthanized dogs is an enormous ecological and economic problem.”l, it would be reasonable to use dogs for food. A ton of dogs get put down in shelters and many just suffer in the streets, hungry and alone. People do often adopt some stray dogs but many just end up dead. All those dogs could have been used to make food. People in places in Africa are starving and we just simply dispose of these dogs that could have been a tasty meal for someone suffering of hunger.
    When Jonathan wrote, “Pigs are every bit as intelligent and feeling, by any sensible
definition of the words. They can’t hop into the back of a Volvo, but they can fetch, run and play, be mischievous, and reciprocate affection. So why don’t they get to curl up by the fire? Why can’t they at least be spared being tossed on the fire?”, I realized that he has a point. Why do we place dogs as more special than other animals. There are many animals that could be great pets that are used as food. Dogs are seen as loyal and affectionate animals, but how do we know that they are the only animals like that. Pigs or cows could be as loyal and affectionate as dogs, but we may never know. If we just use them as food and just raise them to be eventually be slaughtered in a factory, how will we ever find out. After reading this excerpt it helped shed some light on how other animals aren’t treated as fairly as others.

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