Thursday, May 28, 2015

Chapter 12 Journal

    I suppose Ralph cries at the end of the novel is because they finally get to home and escape the nightmare that is the island. Two of his friends died on the island and he witnesses all the others slowly turn savage and evil. His dreams finally come true and he now gets to go back home to a civilized society. The character that I despise the most is Jack because most of the issues that occurred on the island were due to his influence. The boys turned savage due to Jack's desire for hunting and since he broke up the boys to start a tribe. Since Jack influenced the boys to turn savage, the fault of the deaths of Simon and Jack falls on him. I feel like the boys would have done much better on the island if Jack had not been on the island or had dies. I wouldn't recommend this book to a friend because he's bound to read it one day in his life in school.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

LOTF Questions

1. Jack decided that they need to go and get the fire and Piggy's glasses back from Jack and his group.

2. The twins "saw Ralph for the first time", because he began to start acting more like a chief and had a new confidence.

3. The boy's attempt to get Piggy's specs and to make the boys maintain signal fire is bound to fail since Jack and the others are now savages and will not listen to them.

4. I think Roger pushed the rock of the cliff because he is the most savage and his savage instincts have taken over at this point of the book.

5. The destruction of the conch symbolizes the fall of government which means now Jack and the savages are fully uncivilized and do whatever they feel like.

6. The boys want a chief so that he can make decisions for them for everything. A chief usually controls most of the people and tells them what to do.

7.  Do you realize that you are turning into a complete savage?
     Don't you feel any remorse for the things you have done?

8.    The island now feels unfriendly and dark to me. This island seemed like a paradise at the first glimpse but now it seems like a nightmare. Some resources are starting to dwindle and that is staring to worry me. We're all terrified of the Beast now and we all live with that fear every day. I am praying that we can get off of this horrible island soon.
       The boys seem to have been affected by the island and I think I'm starting to get affected too. They seem like complete savages now and I'm worried I'm going savage as well. Their old perfect images are now shadows of their savage selves. Everyday I witness them murder pigs and they seem to love to go all out and make the thing suffer. I'm fighting with myself to not become a savage as well, but the desire to go savage is over whelming.